Pamper yourself in your home via skype or blue jeans

Feel empowered and walk step by step into a positive future timeline. Experience in your own home a powerful session to get clarity to find your way into a positive future step by step. You will learn about the energies that are in your life right now and how you can work with them for your benefit. 

How does it work ? How is it different from a traditional reading?

We will meet via Zoom, Whatsapp, Telegram, or Signal at a time that is convenient for you and me. Your special time to relax, learn, heal, and get inspiration on how to empower yourself and which steps are vital for you to take. You will leave the session with an action plan if you wish and feel clearer, stronger, and more open to so many possibilities. At the end of the session, you will experience a powerful guided meditation that has underlying powerful Arcturian healing frequencies. Cleansing your entire being and filling it with new energy.

The length of the session is mostly between 60 and 90 minutes. I do not like to rush, as my clients are important to me. We live in such a hectic time that it is important to take time to reflect, heal, and find better ways ( better timeline) to enjoy the time we have on this beautiful planet. 

The price for one session is only 70.00£

Book your session now